Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Typewriter's Advice

Oh my, it's been a while, hasn't it? I absolutely detest not actively posting and commenting, but school hoards every moment of mine. As soon as I get home I am obligated to hunker down with homework. I hardly ever have a free moment in which I can actually do things on the laptop that don't involve chemistry or civil wars. 

The fact that this is only my second post in the whole of November makes me feel terribly unsuccessful and not proud in the slightest. Not interacting with my internet friends makes me feel internet lonely... is that a thing? 

I wrote this piece regarding loneliness for a school assignment where we had to review a dictionary definition, but I feel like it fits perfectly with my blogging predicament. I feel so empty when I come onto my blog and look at how inactive I've been, which is odd because I am not lonely in real life. It only shows it's face when I come online. 

I tried to encourage myself in this piece, and even though I still am not 100% happy with my blog at the moment, I at least have some motivation to change it. Here's hoping I'll post more soon x

On a side note I did type this on my typewriter- that's why there are mistakes I crossed out! Typewriters are wondrous tools, but they are not the best for people who rely so heavily on spell-check!  :)

Flairwell xx

Monday, November 10, 2014

Velvet & Snow

November has arrived, and I am ecstatic. Not only does November bring my birthday, it also brings the cold, brisk air of winter. Winter surpasses all other seasons in my mind; there is something about sitting in front of the fire, mindlessly stroking a cat and typity-typing on my laptop that theoretically makes me dance with joy in the drifts of snow. Winter also instills a particularly strong string of motivation in me, and my grades, blogging and fashion effort drastically increase as the temperatures decrease. (Yes, hopefully there will be more blog posts- I've frankly just been lazy!)

My increased motivation was reflected in my outfit today. I saw in the paper that snow was forecasted for this afternoon, and the winter joy put an extra bounce into my morning routine.

This lovely skirt which I wore is from Forever 21 and is entirely velvet. Snow and velvet just go together in my mind (perhaps it was the velvet Christmas sweaters I was forced to wear as a child) so I saw it fit to wear this lovely plum colored skirt. The beautiful spirals and swivels integrated into the crushed velvet add an extra layer of festivity to the overall appearance. Plum is also a very winter color, so I find that this skirt paired with some black tights and flats makes for the perfect holiday outfit. 
I also added on this cozy, army green jacket out of necessity. The fur hood and double-lined sleeves make it perfect for power-walking from the bus to the school doors. No matter how cozy and warm the jacket, I can't tell you how relived I was to be home, sipping on tea while relaxing on the recliner x